75 週年國慶慶祝活動

Date: 30/09/2024


In celebration of the National Day, the School held a flag-raising ceremony on September 30. In addition, we organized the following activities in September:

l   Basic Law exhibition

l   "Celebrating National Day and Reunification" creative design competition

l   Visited the Loving Homeland Miniature Art Show

l   “National Day Mini Challenge" quiz booth game


We were also honored to invite Professor Zee Sze Yong to deliver a lecture on national affairs, titled "Chinese Civilization in Global Development."

Professor Zee Sze Yong is a distinguished biologist with remarkable academic and research achievements. He is an Emeritus Professor at the Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC). He has also served as Vice President of UIC, Professor of Botany, Head of the Department of Botany, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Hong Kong. He has held guest professorships and research positions at several universities across China.


In 2003, Professor Zee was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong SAR Government. He has held many important public positions, including membership in the Hong Kong Basic Law Consultative Committee, serving as an advisor on Hong Kong affairs, and being a member of the Hong Kong SAR Preparatory Committee. He was also a delegate to the 7th and 8th National People's Congress, a member of the 9th, 10th, and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Hong Kong Provisional Municipal Council, a Southern District Councillor, and an honorary citizen of Zhuhai City.


為慶祝75周年國慶,本校升旗隊於30/9 進行了升旗禮。此外,亦擺設了「同心賀國慶」基本法展覽。亦與視覺藝術科合作舉行中二「賀國慶、慶回歸」創意設計比賽;參觀國慶及大灣區區基金五周年微型藝術展覽。在校舉辦了「國慶日,小挑戰」問題攤位遊戲。而亦十分榮幸邀請了徐是雄教授為我們進行國情講座,題目為「在世界發展中的中華文明」。

徐是雄教授是一位生物學家,學術和研究成就昭著,為北京師範大學一香港浸會大學聯合國際學院( UIC 榮休教授。曾任 UIC 副校長,香港大學植物學教授、植物學系主任及理學院副院長。也曾擔任過中國多所大學的客座教授及研究院的客座研究員。

2003 年獲香港特別行政區政府頒銀紫荊星章 。歷任香港《基本法》諮詢委員會委員、港事顧問、香港特別行政區籌備委員會委員、香港特别行政區第一屆政府推選委員會委員,香港區第七、八屆全國人大代表,第九、十及十一屆全國政協委員,香港臨時市政局議員,香港南區區議員,及珠海市榮譽市民